Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What came in the mail today

ModerGDiHello !!

I was so excited this afternoon when my dad told me that I got a package

by the way courtney, i thought you were in NYC ?

and this was inside









okay , I forgot to rearrange the polishes but these minis are so cute !

so finally , i would like to say THANKS A BUNCH COURTNEY !!! Visit her site (click it) guys !

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Doctors' waiting rooms

So now that I've had more time to think about this blog thing, i've changed my mind about it's purpose. A daily rambling is far more interesting since I've lost the interest that I had before on beauty stuff (did I just lose the girl in me?).

So I went to see the doctor today (and god I hate doctors... Don't get me wrong, I have many doctor/dentist/pharmacist friends but being friends and consulting one us a totally different deal...) and I just hate it how if you're a minute late, the recep glares at you and tells you to not be late again, but then they make you wait an hour just to hear the doctor say "okay! Everything is normal." No, not everything is normal! Otherwise I wouldn't even be here! Tell me I have something minor at least!!! I didn't freaken wait an hour fir you to tell me I have nothing. (Sorry if there are any typos. Blogging with an iPhone is not the most convenient...)

It's not that i want to be sick of anything but it feels like I just wasted two hours of my life...

By the way, if you're in the waiting room, don't even touch the mags. You don't know where the previous readers' hands have been...

That's it for now I guess.
Take care